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SWIS - Intervention programmes


Intervention programmes

·       Re-engaging children who are vulnerable, depressed or anxious

·       Strengthening children's ability to manage their behaviour

·       Equipping children to improve their academic achievements and ensure that the interventions support their English, Maths and Science attainment

·       Supporting children who are struggling with their family circumstances

·       Improving children's psychological and emotional well-being

·       Helping families to support their children in school and the community

·       Enhancing teachers' ability to manage and support struggling students

·       Minimising the impact of children with conduct problems on their peers

·       Enabling and respite support – our staff are experienced in supporting children and young people living with disabilities

SWIS - Family Support and Supervised Contact


Family Support


SWIS Family Services work with children, young people, parents, carers and the wider family to ensure the family is able to realise its full potential whilst feeling supported and heard.

Our work supports families when they face complex needs and challenges - including domestic abuse, substance misuse and mental health issues.  

Supervised Contact


Staff work alongside Local Authorities to provide supervised contact sessions between young people and family members. The contacts can be provided in contact centres, our centre "The Hive" in Buckfastleigh or in the community.  

SWIS - Young Adults Support


SWIS Young Adult Intervention Services


- Re-engaging adults who are vulnerable, depressed or anxious

- Strengthening adult’s ability to manage their behaviour

- Equipping adults to improve their academic achievements and ensure that the interventions support their English, Maths and Science attainment

- Providing independence support, shopping, cooking etc

- Supporting adults who are struggling with their family circumstances

- Improving adults psychological and emotional well-being

- Offering an Advocacy service

- Helping families to support their adults in their community

- Minimising the impact of adults with conduct problems on their peers

- Enabling and respite support


Direct Payments 


Our services are available for parents/carers who may be seeking additional support / respite by using their Direct Payments to fund this and self-referrals are welcome and can be funded privately

SWIS Emergency support services 

- Offering bespoke support to meet the needs including ‘Out of hours’ emergency fast response.

- We offer overnight and a 24-hour staffed services which includes waking/sleeping night support staff and on call Manager.  We can also offer support to foster placements, supportive living accommodation and transportation in and out of County.

- Staff work in an intensive way together with specialist agencies to ensure there is a wraparound service that meets all the needs of the more vulnerable. 

- The service is needs led and is tailored to the individual. This includes accompanying to Court and CAMHS appointments and ensuring individuals are signed up to health and well-being appointments.

SWIS - Emotional wellbeing service (EWS)


Emotional Well-being Service (EWS)

This service provides brief, solution-focused interventions based on CBT to promote good mental health, self-esteem and emotional well-being in young people aged 0-25. The aim is to provide timely, early-interventions for young people to avoid their emotional well-being concerns escalating to the point of needing more specialist support at a later date (such as referral to CAMHS).

The service addresses physical health issues, such as sleep, nutrition and exercise, where these impact on emotional well-being. We also work with young people exhibiting risk behaviours such as offending, substance use and sexual activity.

Our intervention methods have been developed in consultation with young people with a focus on making them interactive, evidence based and crucially…fun.  We know that the more young people enjoy working with SWIS the more likely they are to continue engaging.


“I felt completely comfortable and able to open up without being embarrassed or afraid of being judged. It was a fun way to learn more about drugs and how to stay safe.”


Personalised support

We view all young people as individuals, and recognise they have their own strengths, aims and ambitions. The support we offer is therefore centred on the different needs of each young person, taking account of interests, culture, faith and beliefs. Ultimately, we focus on their needs, not our expectations.

"Thanks for caring, taking the time to listen and understand me. You’ve helped me with my confidence "

Holistic care

We want young people to lead lives which are happy, healthy and safe.  We provide holistic packages of care which support the improvement of physical health, mental health and offer help with practical issues such as a place to live, access to education or employment or access to positive activities.



We work closely with a range of professionals to ensure we keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe from harm. Working collaboratively with partner agencies ensures co-ordinate care that meets the full range of needs.

SWIS - Emergency and 24 hour support


SWIS Emergency Crisis/Respite Support 


- Offering bespoke support to meet all needs including ‘Out of hours’ emergency fast response.

- We offer overnight and 24-hour staffed services which includes waking/sleeping night support staff with an on call Manager who is always available to support enquiries. We can also offer support to foster placements, hospitals, emergency temporary placements, supportive living accommodation.

- Staff work in an intensive way together with specialist agencies to ensure there is a wraparound service that meets all the needs of the more vulnerable young people. 


The service is led by the needs of the young person and is tailored to them while working within the aims and objectives. This support includes accompanying young people to Court and CAMHS/GP appointments and ensuring they are signed up to health and well-being appointments.


How our services help young people?

We have a team of professionally qualified staff team who have the expertise in child sexual exploitation, drugs and alcohol, mental health and complex and additional needs which may impact on stability of placements. 


We have a proven track record of supporting local authorities in delivering a wide range of interventions to achieve the best possible outcomes both short and long term for children and young people 0 – 25 years old.

SWIS - Transportation



Staff are on hand to support young people safely to new placements, family homes or pre-arranged meetings. These can be within Devon or out of County, depending on the young persons needs. Our Transportation service is Nationwide.

All staff have relevant insurance in place and have regular vehicle checks on their own vehicles, but we also support on public transport if required. 

SWIS - Support Dogs

Support Dogs

Our 4 dedicated Support Dogs offer an increase to children and young people in their understanding of responsibility and developing empathy and nurturing skills. In addition to these benefits, children take great enjoyment from interacting with animals.

Our Support dogs are used because we want to encourage those children who are vulnerable, or those who may be experiencing difficulties in their lives to have these opportunities.  We can provide our services to individual young people or come into school and work with small groups.

Rosie - Golden Labrador 

Cooper - Golden Retriever

Archie - Golden Retriever

Bear - Flat Coat Retriever

Each of the dogs offer their own form of joy to our young people with their unique personalities. Each of the dogs have been raised with children and young people and are fully insured to offer their important support.

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